List of Tamil words in Carib language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
Carib or Kari'nja is a Cariban language spoken by the Kalina people (Caribs) of South America. It is spoken by around 7,400 people mostly in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil. The language is currently classified as highly endangered.

Clues to read Carib words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
Ref; A Carib grammar and dictionary - Hendrik Courtz.
English - Carib - Tamil
*1. touch- ytuka- thoduka
2.foot sole- yta- adi- foot
*3. araw smell- ynoro – naara
*4.get a raw smell- ynota – naaththam / stink
*5. leaky- ykota- kotta
*6.cut- ykuto – kathu
7.dream about- woneka- knaves / dream; letters are in reversed order womynty- mundu- Malayalam; root word is moodu - to cover.
9.wokuto- give drink – kudikka kodu; thanni kodu; thanni- water; kodu- give; kudikka- to drink; kudi- liquor.
10. village- waitopo - waadi
11. spear- wait- eetti
12. step on- utami- mithi; letters are in reversed order
13. get lost- utaka- poaeiduka
14.hip- mati – madi / lap
15.get lost –utama- poaiduka
16.step on- utami- mithi-; letters are in reversed order. the top- urewo- uyarae- letters are in reversed order.
18.count repeatedly- ukupotu – kanakkidu/ kanakku poadu –to count
*19. know- ukuty-kathi
20. turn / change one’s course- otuma- maaththu – letters are in reversed order.
21.count- uku- ennkua
*22. sleepy- tywonyke -thoonkka/ to sleep
*23. apart- tyworo- thavira
24.boisterous- tywaike- saththamaaka /loudly
*25. shake- tytyka- aattuka
*26. tremble- tytyka- thudi thudikka
*27. trembling - tytyty- thudithudiththida
28.quivering- tytyky – pada padakka
29. far away -tyse- etta
30.dirty – tymai take – thooimai kaedu; thooimai- clean; ketta- spoiled / damage; kaedu- letters are in reversed order.
31.yelling- tykoke- kaththu; letters are in reversed order.
32. pitch black- ty karami saraije- attai karumai niram; karumai- black; attai karumai- pitch dark.
33.golden colour- tyka mire- thanka niram; thankkam- gold; niram- colour. stop- tykama- thadukkanum
35. snap- tutumo- odiththidanum away - tuwari- oaadi viduthar; letters are jumbled.
37.granddad- tusi- thaaththa
*38. knock against- tutuka- thattuka; moathuka; idiththiduka.
*39. give water- tunato- thanni thaa; thanni- water; thaa- give.
* 40. arrive- tunta- adainthida
41.dandruff- tupijake- poduku; letters are jumbled.
*42. water- tuna- thanni
*43. river- tuna- thanni; nathi – letters are in reversed order.
44.marry – trowma- thirumanam/ marriage
45.turn- torima- thirumpu
*46. stocky –tatutuke- thadiththathaaaka ; thadikka
47.mother- tata - thaai; when a letter occurs more than once consecutively the letter is read only once.
*48. bereavement- takeke- thukkam
49.sugar- sukuru – sakkarai
*50- warm water- situne- sudu thanni
*51. cough- sereto- serumidu
52.cough- sere- seruma
*53. shake -seke seke - asaikka
*54. short /small - saninto- sinnathu
* bulge- pytyky- pudaikka/ to bulge
56. snap- pyty- odi
57.crack- pyty- oaattai
58.respectful- pyitame- mathippu; letters are in reversed order.
59. get a wife- pyta- pondaatti -yaei thaedu; pennai thaedu; pondaatti- wife; penn- bride/woman; pi in Carib means wife; pondaatti in Tamil means wife.
60. ger rich - pyratata- seeru adaiya; paeru adaiya/ prosper
*61.tap the foot- putaika- pathaththai aattuka/ thattuka; paatham- foot; thattuka- tap.
62. buton- puton- poththan; root word poththu- to close.
*63. button up- putonto- poththaanai idu
*64. un button- putonka – poththaanai neekku
*65. protuberance- putu- pudaippu
*66.get a protuberance- pututa- pudaiththida
67.ulcerate- puputa- punn aayida
*68. pluck- poty- peiththidu
*69. big/ great- poto- peththa
70. cause to froth-pororoka- nuraikka
71.pimple / boils- -poduku /dandruff
*72. beautiful - pa- pai / beauty
*73. little child – pitani- podiyan / little boy
*74. ancient- penatopo- pandaiya
75.provide with a sleeping place; patynto- paduththida idam thanthidu; padu- sleep; idam- place; thanthidu- give.
*76.get a grandchild- paryta- paeran peyarththi edu; paeran- grandson; peyarththi- granddaughter; edu- have.
77.grand child’s mother- pary sano- paeranin annai / mother of grandson; paeran- grandson; annai- mother.
78. beg for- pataima- pichchai eduththidanum; yaasiththidanum
*79. hill- paranka- pirankkar
80.elder sister- pai – paapa oty- seithidu
*82. darkness- okaru- karukka
83.not biting- okatopa- kadikkathu
84. biter- okato- kadi / bite
*85. talking- oru- urai/ talk
86.having cold- otono- thanuppu
87.hammock -okato – kiththaan kidakaki
88.number- no muru- enn murai; enn- numerical number; murai- method.
*89. pimple of the eye lid- opiru- paru
* meat- onu- unnu- eat; uoon- meat
91.grandmother- no- annai / mother
*92. toward- naka- noakki
*93. knot- myty- mudi; mudichchu
*94. tree sp- murei- maram/ tree
95.father- muperu- moopar /elder
*96. raised spot- motoka- maedaaka
97. project hairs- misuta- mudi / hair
98.soften by pressing- momoko- amukki menmaiyaakku- to make soft; amukku- press .
*99. unconscious- mimanka- mayankka
100. boy – kyity- kuttan
*101.make- gudu- aakkidu
102.knob- kutai- kondai
103.clean- koroka- karaiyaei neekku; karai- dirt; neekku- remove.
104.burn- ko roka- erikka
*105. rope – kurava- kaeiru
*106.scream/ shout- kota- kaththu
*107. king- kono- koan
108.lump- kuntu – katti
*109. decay- kota- keda
*110. request- koro- koarikkai / koaru
*111. coconut- koko- kaai
112.morning- ko koro- karukkar
*113. small/ little- kiwiri- kuru
* koja- kuchchi
*115.keri - curry – kari
*116.chain/ shackle - keti- kattu
117.lock up- keito- adaikka; letters are in reversed order.
118.become fat- kata – kundaayida
*119.bind- kito -kattu
120.itching- karasa– arikka; letters are in reversed order.
*121.become black- karaita- karuthhtida
*122.blacken- karairo- karukka
* man- ekariropo- karuppan
* color- karai- karu
125.get dirty teeth- jekoroty – kaarai yoadu; jee in carib means tooth; pal in Tamil means tooth.
126.become distressed- jaworoto- varunthida
*127.rot /decay - japuta- uoosi poaeida
*128.acquire rice- jaresita- arisi adaiya /edu; arisi- rice.
*129.not shaking- itytyma- aadaama
130.not silent- itynyma- saththam inmai; saththam- noise; inmai- without.
131.silent- ityme- amaithi- letters are in reversed order
132.not sweet- iposima- inipu inmai
133.without love- ipyma-anpu inmai
*134.without grandchildren- iparyma- paeran inmai; paeran- grandson; inami -without.
135.without place- ipatyma- idam inmai; idam- place [ inmai- without.
136.without begging- ipa tai pa- pichchaieduththidaathu; pichchai- edu- to beg.
137.without fever- ikomyima- kaayaama; kaaya- to have fever.
138. not yelling- ikotyma- kaththama
139. not black- ikaraipa- karuppu inmai
140.provide a hammock rope- ewato -wadam thaa; vadam- rope; thaa- give.
141.spit- etata- thuppidu
*142.blow a horn - eto- uoothu
143.make noisy - eto – oaasai idu
144.noisy - eta- saththam /noise
*145.burning stomach - worekuka- - vayiru erika; vayiru- stomach; erika- burn.
*146.remove flowers - epyryka- poo parika; poo- flower; parikka- pluck
147. get flowers- epyryta- poo pooththiduthar; letters are jumbled.
148.provide with payment- epento – panam thaa- panam- money; thaa- give.
149.sniff- enatama- moanthidanum
*150.embrace- ena- anai
151.remove a joint from/ remove knots from a tree - enaka- neekku /remove
*152.ridge- emoto- maedu
153.pety - leg – paatham /foot
154.remove the nose of- emoka- mookkaineekku; mookku- nose; neekku- remove; anata in carib means -nose
*155.provide a dead body - eketo- kattaiyaei thaa; kattai /dead body;thaa- give.
*156.fuck- eku- oakka
157.proclaim- ekaro- arivikka; ka= va; va= ka; letters are in reversed order.
*158.tell- ekarity- kooridu
*159.get dark- ekarumamy – karumai aaka
160. in the care of- ekata- kavaniththidu /take care of; ka= va; va= ka.
161.remove branches – ekataka - neekkiduka /remove
162. spread out the legs- katakana- akaththaivaikkanum /spread out; ka- va; va= ka.
*163.scold- eju- yaesu
*164.hole- auta- oaattai auto- idam
*166.door- atapu- adaippu
167.snail- atitta- naththai
*168. make a hole- atoka- oaattai iduka
*169.make a hole atoto- oaattai idu; oaattai- hole.
170.prick/pierce - atoke– pothukka
171.cause one’s cartilage to crack- atoka- udaikka /to break
172.tree sp- ata- thadi /timber; letter is read more than once.
173.heat -asin- usnam
174.clitoris- arypoty;arippu eduththa pundai – horny vagina; arippu – itching; pundai- vagina.
175. big penis- aromene- periya maani; periya- big; maani- penis
176.remove the penis from- aroka - arukka /cut; narukka / cut; aan kuriyaei narukka- cut the penis; aan – male- kuri- symbol.
*177.provide with rice- aresito- arisi thaa; arisi- rice; thaa- give.
178. close- aputo – adai
179.remvove the wings- paprika– erakaki yaei parikka; erakaki- feathers; parikka- pluck.
*180.throw away – aperikka- erika
*181.sweep clean – wotokoka- thudaikka
182. mash – amity- masiththidu
183.melt- akuro- uruka; letters are in reversed order.
*184.knot- kayty- kattu
*185. get in danger- akyta- kaedu/ keduthi /danger
*186. girdle- akunty- kundi
*187.cut down- akoto- kaathu /cut; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
188.obstruct- akoto – thadukka; letters are in reversed order. between thighs- akata- kavattai; ka= va; va= ka.
190.soul- aka- akam papa- appa
192. pine apple- nana – annasi nono – munn
194.submerge- umuka– munkka
195 commanding- toko– aanai iduka /to command; aanai- a command.
*196. as people- say - kuru – koora
197.behind- noto – pinnadi
198.become- wai –aava
199.desiring- se- aasai / desire
200.younger brother- koki – kaakkaiyan /elder brother.
201.running toward- weto – voadu /run
202.walk - ytopoty – adi edu
*203.become- ta-aayidu
*204. see- eneko;noakka
205.having eyes- tanuki– kannudaiya; letters are in reversed order;kann- eye; udaiya-has; onu in Carib means eye.
206.hip- mati – madi / lap